Zoom Platform
Genetics building – Serra I/II
December 13-17, 2021
Isabella Saggio, Sapienza
Antonio Musarò, Sapienza
Domenico Raimondo, Sapienza
Alessandro Rosa, Sapienza
Isotta Chimenti, Sapienza
Romina Burla, IBPM-CNR
Prisca Ornaghi, Sapienza
Mattia La Torre, Sapienza
visit Sapienza website
for more info email to starcorsi.bbcd@uniroma1.it
Monday 13-12-2021 Zoom Platform – Serra I/II
A. Musarò, Sapienza University of Rome
I. Saggio, Sapienza University of Rome
Stem cells, differentiation and aging
Discussant A. Rosa, Sapienza University of Rome and I. Chimenti, Sapienza University of Rome
10.30-11.45 M. Gouti, MDC, Berlin
Generation of human neuromuscular organoids to model development and disease
11.45-13.00 P. Madeddu, University of Bristol, UK
Learning from the genetic code of healthy centenarians to delay the heart’s aging and age-related cardiac disease
14.00-15.45 O. Dreesen, A-STAR, Singapore
Role of telomere dysfunction and senescence in human skin aging and disease
15.45-17.00 B. van Meer, Leiden University, Netherlands and M. Mastrangeli, Delft, University of Tecnology, Netherlands
Enhancing advanced cardiac differentiation of iPS through organs-on chip technology for effective in vitro modelling
Tuesday 14-12-2021 Zoom Platform – Serra I/II
Stem cells cancer and aging
Discussant A. Musarò, Sapienza University of Rome
10.00-11.45 M. Giacca, King’s College, London, UK
Novel biological drugs for cardiac regeneration
11.45-13.00 A. Alimonti, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
New pro-senescence approach to cancer therapy
14.00-17.00 Poster session – best international poster competition
Committee: A. Musarò, D. Raimondo, A. Rosa, I. Saggio, R. Burla, I. Chimenti, hosts
Wednesday 15-12-2021 Zoom Platform – Serra I/II
Genome architecture and genome function in stem cell and aging diseases
Discussant I. Saggio, Sapienza University of Rome and Burla R, IBPM-CNR
10.00-11.45 W. Zhao, NTU, Singapore
An engineering tool to probe the nucleus at nanoscale
10.00-11.45 C. Brighi, CRESTOPTICS, Italy
Approaching the unknown: From standard fluorescent microscopy to super-
resolution techniques
14.00-15.45 G.V. Shivashankar, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Mechanical regulation of chromatin organization and gene expression
15.45-17.00 S. Gonzalo, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, USA
The danger of self-DNA accumulation in the cytoplasm during aging
Thursday 16-12-2021 Zoom Platform – Serra I/II
Cell Biology and Bioinformatics
Discussant D. Raimondo, Sapienza University of Rome
10.00-11.45 L. Grassi AstraZeneca R&D, Cambridge, UK
Improving the cell line development process by using a combination of high-throughput sequencing and proteomic analyses
11.45-13.00 L. De Colibus, Oxford University, UK
Virus assembly: A lesson learnt from structural biology
14.00-17.00 Poster session – best italian poster competition
Committee: A. Musarò, D. Raimondo, A. Rosa, I. Saggio, R. Burla, I. Chimenti, hosts
Friday 17-12-2021 Zoom Platform – Serra I/II
10.00-13.00 Exams, Orienteering and outreaching
I. Saggio, Sapienza University of Rome and Burla R, IBPM-CNR
14.00-17.00 course evaluation
I. Saggio, Sapienza University of Rome and Burla R, IBPM-CNR
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